In this page you can find VALUEWASTE’s friend projects and the clusters it is member of:
Other pioneer initiatives: friend projects
VALUEWASTE goes hand in hand with other EU-funded projects, which target to promote Europe’s transition to a circular economy, this is, to maintain the value of the resources and products for as long as possible. We hereby present other pioneer initiatives, that develop and scale-up innovations to create new waste management’s schemes with a competitive advantage over traditional linear model of economy growth.

Scalable Technologies for Bio-urban Waste Recovery
Coordinated by ITENE (Technological Center in R & D in packaging, transport and logistics), SCALIBUR goes hand in hand with VALUEWASTE, since it was financed under the same call.
It also proposes a holistic approach that makes use of urban biowaste and municipal wastewater for generating high value products such as bioplastics, biopesticides and other products such as proteins, lipids and chitin.

Vitalise Europe’s Urban Bioeconomy
Coordinated by CETENMA, the HOOP project supports 8 lighthouse cities and regions in developing large-scale urban circular bioeconomy initiatives that will focus on recovering valuable resources from urban biowaste and wastewater to make bio-based products..

Transforming urban waste into valuable products
Coordinated by SAV, the EU-funded WaysTUP! project aims to establish new value chains for urban bio-waste. The project will display a range of new products produced from urban bio-waste to bio-based processes starting from different feedstocks, including fish and meat waste, spent coffee grounds, household source-separated bio-waste, and used cooking oils.
RESources from URban BIo-waSte
Resurbis is a project started last 2017 and is coordinated by the University or Roma “La Sapienza”. It gathers 22 entities that will demonstrate a technology chain to convert organic waste of urban origin into PHA-based bioplastics.
REcovery and REcycling of nutrients TURNing wasteWATER into added-value products for a circular economy in agriculture
Water2REturn proposes to use a Circular Economy approach to produce organic-source fertilisers from wastewater treatment facilities in slaughterhouse. Until December 2020, Wter2Retorun consortium will apply innovative biochemical and physical technologies for nutrients recovery from the slaughterhouse industry.
Large scale nutrient recovery from domestic wastewater
The 15 partners of Run4Life will demonstrate an alternative strategy for nutrients recovery and fertilisers production based on waste water treatments from individual households: black water (toilet wastewater), grey water (other domestic wastewaters) and organic kitchen waste.
The Run4Life concept will be tested at four large scale cities in Europe, located in Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands and Sweden.
Demonstration of an integrated innovative biorefinery for the transformation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into new BioBased products
URBIOFIN is a project funded in 2017 under Bio-based Industries Public-Private Partnership. The main goal of URBIOFIN is to demonstrate the techno-economic and environmental viability of the conversion at semi-industrial scale of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) into chemical building blocks, biopolymers and additives.
Closing the loop for Absorbent Hygiene Products waste
EMBRACED project resulted funded under the Bio-based Industries Public-Private Partnership. From 2017 and until 2022, the 13 consortium partners will demonstrate a sustainable model of integrated biorefinery based on the valorisation of the Absorbent Hygiene Products fraction from MSW (baby diapers, adult incontinence and feminine hygiene products) for its conversion into valuable resources such as biobased building blocks, polymers and fertilisers.
Scale-up of low-carbon footprint MAterial Recovery Techniques in existing wastewater treatment PLANTs
The ultimate goal of SMART-Plant is to renovate existing wastewater treatment plants and close the circular value chain by applying low-carbon techniques to recover materials that are otherwise lost. These recovered materials are biopolymers, cellulose, fertilisers and other intermediates that will be processed up to the final end-products.
VALUEWASTE seeks to contribute to the development of circular economy systems in Europe. In order to support the interconection between people and projects, VALUEWASTE has jonied:

Biorefine Cluster Europe strives to contribute to a more sustainable resource management in the framework of circular economy systems.
Focus within the biorefinery sector: the refinement of chemicals, materials, energy and products from biobased waste streams. It can be subdivided in four categories: Biobased (waste)streams as an input for the circular economy; Bioprocesses; Sustainable bio-energy production in its various shapes and forms and Resource Recovery: extracting minerals, chemicals, water and materials from biomass

The European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) is a proactive alliance of EU funded projects dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication and support.
The main goal is to maximise the efforts, increasing the knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, coordination of joint activities and events.

The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label is a a trademark granted to solutions who meet high standards of both sustainability and profitability, through a strict assessment of the following criteria: technological feasibility, environmental and socio-economic benefit and profitability.
On December 2019, Valuewaste was awarded with the Solar Impulse Label in recognition to the feasibility of the project, environmental benefits and potential profitability.