In this page you can find who are VALUEWASTE Project Partners and its Advisory Board:
VALUEWASTE project has been defined and is being implemented by a well-balanced consortium. It requires the engagement of actors from the whole value chain of urban biowaste valorisation:
CETENMA – Centro Tecnológico de la Energía y el Medio Ambiente (Spain)
The Technology Centre for Energy and Environment is a private, non-profit Business Association, founded in 2000. CETENMA supports companies with technological research, development and innovation in all areas relating to water technologies, waste treatment, bioenergy, renewable energies and energy efficiency.
- Project Coordination.
- Environmental and social assessments (LCA&S-LCA).

Innovarum (Spain)
Innovarum is a Spanish consultancy company created in 2013 with the overall aim of fostering innovation and knowledge exchange in the agri-food sector. It has great expertise in designing and implementing dissemination and communication activities for H2020/BBI projects within the agri-food sector.
- Dissemination and Communication in Southern EU.
- Administrative and financial project management.

Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Savona University was founded in 2014 and is one of the largest and most versatile Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland, with 6000 students and 450 employees. Specifically, Savonia Business Department creates pathways to a sustainable world: its network and training programmes develop new business partnerships and business models, international business value networks, and business innovations.
- Assessment of social acceptance of biowaste valorisation and consumer acceptance of biowaste derived products.
- New business model development in urban biowaste management.

CESPA Servicios Urbanos de Murcia (Spain)
CESPA is a large company belonging to the group Ferrovial Services that negotiates the contract of the city of Murcia. Contract awarded in 2011, it is one of the largest integrated contracts in Spain including street cleansing and municipal solid waste collection and treatment services.
The group Ferrovial Services is an innovate solution and service provider with a broad range of critical and integrated services.
- Implementation of the selected collection of urban biowaste in Murcia.
- Monitoring of pilot experiences implementation in Cañada Hermosa.

Ayuntamiento de Murcia (Spain)
With more than 450.000 inhabitants, the city of Murcia is the capital of the Region of Murcia, self-governing region located in the southeast of Spain, and bathed by the Mediterranean Sea. The European programs Department of the City Council of Murcia counts on qualified technical experts and researchers for the application of European funds and to guarantee the convergence of all the funds in the territory.
- Communication and citizen engagement.
- Promotion of biowaste selective collection in Murcia.

Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón – ITAINNOVA (Spain)
The Aragon technology Center (ITAINNOVA) is a non-profit centre founded in 1984 whose main objective is to promote competitiveness in the industrial sector by means of the development, acquisition, adaptation and transfer of innovative technologies. ITAINNOVA offers its services with a clear market orientation, providing real and innovative solutions from its lines of research and development.
- Technical integration of the DEMO processes.
- Preparation of blue prints for large-scaled biowaste valorisation plants.

Unibio (Denmark)
Unibio is a leading Danish biotechnology company founded in 2001 with core competences within fermentation technologies, allowing a highly scalable production of bacterial protein meal. In cooperation with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Unibio has developed an innovative and unique technology as the result of more than 30 years of research and development activities: the U-Loop® fermentation technology.
- Design, implementation and testing of the microbial protein production from upgraded biogas.

Food Bio-Cluster Denmark (Denmark)
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark exists to strengthen knowledge-based innovation and collaboration between companies and knowledge institutions across the food and bioresources value chain. We are the gateway to networking, the development of new business ideas and funding opportunities.
- Development of new business models for urban biowaste management.
- Dissemination and Communication activities in Northern EU.

Asociación Española de Normalización – UNE (Spain)
Founded in 1986, The Spanish Association for Standardisation (UNE) is a non-profit-making, private, independent and multisectoral organisation, recognised at National, European and International level. Through the development of technical standards, UNE helps companies to improve their quality and competitiveness.
- Advise, management and development of all the activities related with standardisation.

Nutrient Recovery Systems – NuReSys (Belgium)
NuReSys, founded in 2011, seeks to promote and provide technologies to recovery valuable nutrients out of liquid streams (mainly wastewater and sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants). NuReSys constructed its first industrial struvite plant in 2006, at that moment one of the largest worldwide. Ever since 7 additional plants have been under construction and 2 more are in design stage.
- Implementation of the struvite crystallization process.

EkoBalans – (Sweden)
EkoBalans was founded in 2008 and it offers solutions for sustainable recycling and recovery of plant nutrients from food industry, biogas production, and waste water treatment plants. EkoBalans has designed complete concepts for replacing waste water treatment plants with Resource Water Recycling Plants and refining digestates into fertilizer.
- Nitrogen recovery from dewatering liquor of the digestate.
- Formulation of bio-based fertilisers.

Ingeniería y Desarrollos Renovables – INDEREN (Spain)
INDEREN is a Spanish installation company created in 2009 specialised in Biogas Plants installations based in Valencia (Spain). INDEREN’s main task is to conduct biogas plants installations at service of engineering companies that built biogas plants around Europe; INDEREN is currently the leading Spanish company in the biogas sector.
- Installation, testing and operating of the anaerobic digester for the treatment of urban biowaste in the waste treatment plant of Cañada Hermosa (Murcia).

GAIKER-IK4 Technology Centre (Spain)
GAIKER is a private and non-profit research organisation founded in 1985 committed to providing industrial companies with innovative know-how. Areas of Knowledge cover: biotechnology, environment, recycling and plastics & composites. GAIKER has a broad network of collaborators and has taken part in over 118 International R&D Consortia throughout nearly two decades.
- Safety assessment of the products obtained within the project.
- Coordination of all ethics requirements involving the project..

Entomo AgroIndustrial (Spain)
Entomo AgroIndustrial is a newly created Spanish company with the mission of enabling companies to transform waste from the Food Industry into sustainable food for animals using insects. It was created as a platform of professionals and companies that allow companies to start projects of recovery of waste.
- Entomo is responsible of the installation of insect farm DEMO in Cañada Hermosa.
- Conversion of urban biowaste via Black Soldier Fly into feed and food protein.

Kalundborg Kommune (Denmark)
Kalundborg is a city located in the Northwestern coast of the largest Danish islands, Zealand, with a population of 16,490 inhabitants (2017). The development department of Kalundborg Municipality runs the Symbiose Center Denmark, a group of industrial companies which came together
in a collaboration more than 50 years ago to exchange waste and resources with each other, worldwide acknowledge as a model of environmental sustainability.
- Communication and citizen engagement.
- Social acceptance of biowaste-derived products.

European Biomass Industry Association-EUBIA (Belgium)
EUBIA, the European Biomass Industry Association, is an International non-profit association established in 1996 that groups together market actors, technology providers, and knowledge centres, all of them active in the field of biomass. The main objective of EUBIA is to support the European biomass industries at all levels. As an industrial association, EUBIA aims at helping
SMEs to keep up with relevant technological legal developments.
- Assessment of regulatory and policy framework and stakeholder engagement.
- Dissemination and communication at EU level.

CARINSA (Creaciones Aromáticas Industriales, S.A.) was founded in 1993 and its activity is focused on the creation, production and commercialization of aromas for Food and Beverage, Animal Food and Fragrances for Detergency and Cosmetics.
- Formulation of novel ingredients from WP2 for food and feed applications, as final end-user.
- Experimental role in tasks 5.1. and 5.2. (pilot plant facilities for flavours, food and feed preparations).

Advisory Board
VALUEWASTE project counts with an Advisory Board. Its members are:
César Aliaga has a wide experience in projects on packaging sustainability (ecodesign, reuse, recycling and composting) as well as in new technologies for the valorisation of plastic waste (sorting and delamination) and organic waste (decontamination, composting fermentation and hydrolysis to obtain value-added products).
Some of his professional projects are: (1) Direction of R&D projects on packaging and sustainability; 2) Definition of the lines of research of the department; 3) Definition of the strategy in Circular Economy; 4) Development of new R&D projects on Circular Economy with companies; 5) Coordination of the European project PLASTICIRCLE (€7.7 M; 20 partners); 6) Coordination of the European project SCALIBUR (€12 M; 21 partners); 7) Leader of the Advanced Leadership Foundation in Circular Economy.
Dr.Soc.Sc Md. Munjur E. Moula’s main research interests are acceptability research, societal acceptance, public environmental decision making, circular economy, field research, problem-solving management methodology, practice-based research in social work and social policy, project planning and implementation and child protection. In Aalto University SAS Network, his research focuses on finding sustainable societal acceptable solutions to create new industrial processes and products related to biomass and waste material in general.
Moula has more than 60 publications. From 2018-2019, his edited book titled Constructing A Green Circular Economy was downloaded more 2.300 times.
Currently, he is working as a guest editor for the upcoming ‘Special Issue’ “Circular Economy for Sustainable Manufacturing‘, of the open data journal Sustainability.
Mike McLaughlin is a Professor in Soil Science at the School of Agriculture Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide in South Australia.
Mike gained his B.Sc. from the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, a Masters in Agricultural Science (Soil Science) from the University of Reading (UK) and his Ph.D. from the University of Adelaide (Australia). Mike’s research interests are in soil/fertilizer/environmental chemistry and crop nutrition. He has worked extensively on the use of waste materials in agriculture relating to their nutritive value as well as evaluation of environmental and food quality risks.

© Bernal Revert/ BR&U
Lucía Huertas is the head of the Region of Murcia Brussels Office. With over 20 years working in European Union Affairs in Brussels, she has expertise in EU policy making process and EU funding programmes. Together with her team, Lucía monitors and gathers information on EU initiatives developments of importance to the Region of Murcia, supports the participation and influence of the Region of Murcia in the design of European policies, facilitates the participation of regional entities in European projects and works to assure a strong presence of the Region of Murcia before the main European institutions and a proactive and effective collaboration with other regions, entities and networks around Brussels.
She is member of the Collaboration of Spanish Regional Offices in Brussels (CORE) and coordinates the CORE working group on R&D/Digital Agenda. Also, she represents the Region of Murcia in European networks based in Brussels, such as ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network), Eurada (European Association of Development Agencies), NECSTOUR or CRPM (Peripheral Maritime Regions). Prior to joining the Region of Murcia Brussels office, Lucía worked as parliamentary assistant in the European Parliament. She holds a degree in Journalism and Master’s degree in European Union.
Andreu Palou is a Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). He is also head of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Nutrition and Biotechnology, and of the master’s and PhD in Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition. He has led more than 50 research and development projects in the last 10 years, funded by the Spanish Government, the EU and other public and private organisations. He is a member of the Governing Board of the CIBERobn (Centro de Investigación en Red sobre Obesidad y Nutrición) since 2010
and has been a member of the scientific advising committee of various public and private institutions within food and nutrition, both at a national and international level. Throughout his scientific career, the following positions are highlighted:
- First president of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) (2003-2010).
- Vice-president of the Scientific Nutrition Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2003-2009) and vice-president and member of the Scientific Committee on Food (1997-2003).