Valuewaste Communication Campaigns

The Valuewaste Project will carry out two communication campaigns in order to improve the perception of citizens on urban biowaste as a local source of valuable materials. The Communication Campaigns will take place in two European cities: Murcia (Spain) and Kalundborg (Denmark).

Valuewaste Communication Campaigns

The Valuewaste Project will carry out two communication campaigns in order to improve the perception of citizens on urban biowaste as a local source of valuable materials. The Communication Campaigns will take place in two European cities: Murcia (Spain) and Kalundborg (Denmark).

Campaign 1: Educational campaign in Murcia

The Murcia Communication Campaign of the VALUEWASTE project seeks to engage citizens, restaurants and food markets with biowaste collection and separation practices, generating understanding of new waste management systems and its impact on the current environmental and economic situation. The Campaign was launched on December 2019 and will be developed across the “La Flota” neighbourhood in Murcia, Spain.

The Murcia Communication Campaign targets 3 collectives 

8,160 neighbours

The Campaign seeks so impact 50% of the total

Expected impact: 4,080 neighbours

170 restaurants

The Campaign seeks so impact 70% of the total.

Expected impact: 120 restaurants.

8 markets

The Campaign seeks so impact 90% of the total

Expected impact: 7 markets.

The Communication Campaign will be the start point to carry out the full implementation of the biowaste collection in the city and municipalities of Murcia throught a new brown container dedicated exclusively to organic waste.

The slogan of the Campaign is “Murcia Suma Uno”, which means “Murcia adds one”. The slogan stresses the contribution of the city, the neighbourhood and its population to a more sustainable future. Murcia contributes to the enviroment, to social sustainability, to the economy… #MurciaSumaUno #MurciaAddsOne.

#MurciaSumaUno #MurciaAddsOne

Successful implementation of the biowaste collection in cities and municipalities is key for the for the recovery of materials or resources with market value. That is, a fundamental first step to give a second life to waste!

Valuewaste Project partners in charge

The Murcia City Council together with the company Ferrovial are the project partners responsible for the Campaign.

All relevant information will be available at and at the official domain fot the campaign:

Radio interviews and TV

The Organic Biowaste Patrol on the streets explaining the Waste Management system of the Valuewaste project

Latest news of the Murcia Educational Campaign

Up to date with the ValueWaste project

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#MurciaSumaUno: engaging with local food markets!

November 19th, 2020|

After the #MurciaSumaUno Campaign was reactivated in September 2020, new activities to boost the engagement of local food markets with the selective collection of biowaste have started. This week was the launching of the promotion activities at"Plaza de Abastos de Vistabella", a vibrant local food market in the City of Murcia

The #MurciaSumaUno campaign fully active

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Campaign 2: Citizens awareness campaign in Murcia and Kalundborg

The second Communication Campaign of the Valuewaste project is now working to promote products valorised from biowaste to citizens and children. The Campaign has been in preparation throughout the end of 2020 and has started running in March 2021. In this case, there is an angenda of schedueled activities both for the cities of Murcia (Spain) and Kalundborg (Denmark).

The Second Communication Campaign will count with specific communication materials, tailored to explain the potential of biobased products and the circular economy.

Examples of the materials prepared for the Campaign in Murcia:

In this case, the slogan of the Campaign is “Súmate al ciclo”, which means “Be part of the cycle”. From “Add one” and “Add more” – Core messages of the first communication campaign- the second campaign in Murcia evolves now to “Add to the cycle” or “Be part of the cycle”, providing further insights on the benefits of circular economy and on the long term benefits of the participation of the population.

#SumateAlCiclo #BePartoftheCycle

After a successful implementation of the biowaste collection, this campaign works now with the population to show the potential of biobased products

Valuewaste Project partners in charge

The Murcia City Council together with the Kalundborg City Council are the project partners responsible for the Awareness Communication Campaign Campaign.

Radio interviews and TV

TV spot for the Campaign in Murcia

Informative videos produced in Kalundborg

Latest news of the Awareness Campaign

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Market Day with VALUEWASTE in Kalundborg, Denmark

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